Private Remote Healing Session with Julie Valentin

Julie is a Starmagic Facilitator. Her diverse background from coaching to Alchemy Mastery helps her connect with people on a deeper level, and her gentle and loving energy brings profound transformational results to many of her clients including those who are not familiar with any energy modalities.

She is passionate about creating with the marriage of Alchemy and the magic of the Quantum. To be a true creator we step outside of our culturally formed boxes and into who we truly are. That is done by releasing unseen/unconscious behaviors driven by your inner belief structures, connecting deeply within, and creating from your deep inner knowing hidden under the existing unconscious structure. It’s important to know that we are all on this journey together; few are born with full access to their conscious abilities and gifts. Quantum Alchemy Fusion is for those who don’t want to spend another day, year, or decade repeating patterns and old paradigms that don’t add creative flow, joy, or transformation to your life. That is why I dedicate my life to offering life-changing transformation with Quantum Alchemy. By greeting the unknown with a new set of instructions, revealed at the moment through wonder and curiosity, transformation occurs and a love for life is experienced. . By consciously creating a life from a place of alchemy and wonder, you are the director and creator of your life!

Training and Experience

She has learned various modalities and courses from renowned teachers of the field. She started her journey over 20 years ago with a deep dive into Human Design, followed by training in Matrix energetics, both for her own personal use to understand the way she and her family functioned in the world. 10 years ago She journeyed into Master coach training with Jennifer McLean, being one of four of Jennifer's certified coaches that worked with Jennifers clients. Recently she was certified in Master of Alchemy through William Whitecloud’s Natural Success Masterclass in addition to completion of the StarMagic Facilitator training and certification.

Her approach to bring through transformation for her clients is the blending of the Quantum with Alchemy, the intangible with the tangible. Clients experience transformation that changes their daily lives for the positive.


To lead others in creating consciously from a place of the fusion of alchemy with the Quantum field to be guided by their inner knowledge; to keep moving forward on their journey, trusting that the right teachers, places, techniques, partners, and life work will appear. She dedicates her life to offering life-changing transformation with awe and wonder as a new love for life is birthed.

Book a Session With Julie Valentin



What is Quantum Alchemy Fusion?

Quantum Alchemy Fusion is a transformative practice that integrates ancient wisdom with modern science to facilitate profound healing and personal growth. It combines quantum healing techniques with alchemical principles to help individuals align with their soul's true purpose and achieve their highest potential.

How does Quantum Healing work?

Quantum Healing leverages the energetic matrix of the quantum field to facilitate healing. It works by aligning your energy field with cosmic energies, correcting imbalances, and elevating the vibration of your physical and light bodies. This process is designed to bring clarity, release old patterns, and support deep spiritual transformation.

What is Star Magic Healing Session?

“Star Magic Healing is a powerful, multidimensional healing modality that merges the science of subtle energy and quantum physics with the incredible power of focused intent. Through using high-vibrational, star-encoded frequencies, Star Magic facilitates healing on a cellular level while enabling deep emotional detoxification and expansion in consciousness. You will be empowered to challenge yourself, tap into your true potential and live your purpose. Expect to experience physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual upgrades. Expect your life to change.”

How can I book a healing session?

Booking a session is simple. Visit our Sessions Page and follow the instructions to request a private remote session. After submitting your request, you’ll receive a questionnaire to complete, and we’ll schedule your session accordingly.

What can I expect during a private remote healing session?

During a session, we access your holographic blueprint to initiate rapid changes aligned with your soul's intentions. The session can address various issues, including physical pain, emotional blocks, and spiritual transformation. After the session, we may recommend further work based on your unique needs.

How many sessions will I need?

The number of sessions required depends on your individual needs and what your body and energy field can handle. Typically, foundational work is done first, followed by deeper healing as needed. We recommend starting with one session to determine the best course of action moving forward.

Are the sessions conducted in person or online?

All our healing sessions are conducted remotely. This allows us to work with clients from around the world, accessing and influencing the quantum field without the need for physical presence.

How can I stay updated on upcoming events and courses?

To stay informed about our latest offerings, sign up for our newsletter, follow us on social media, and regularly visit our Events Page for updates on upcoming workshops, retreats, and courses.

What is the refund policy for courses and healing sessions?

We do not offer refunds for completed healing sessions. However, if you need to reschedule, please contact us at least 24 hours in advance. For course refunds, please refer to our Terms and Conditions for detailed information.

Do you offer any free resources?

Yes, we provide free resources like eBooks, guided meditations, and mini-courses. These are available as lead magnets on our website, and you can also access them by subscribing to our newsletter.