(Nov-Jan, 2024/25)

Bringing clarity to every choice you make,

empowering you to align with your

soul's true purpose


(Oct-Dec, 2024)

Bringing clarity to every choice

you make, empowering you to

align with your soul's true purpose

Journey To Your Soul is a @ 3-month quantum alchemy foundation course designed to bring clarity to every choice you make, empowering you to align with your soul's true purpose. Through the integration of ancient wisdom and modern science, this course will guide you on a profound journey of self-discovery and transformation.

For only $333 you can join Julie and Tim in the "Journey to Your Soul" program, a @ 3-month immersion into Quantum Alchemy Foundations. This program is designed to bring clarity to every choice you make, empowering you to align with your soul's true purpose.

Join us as we guide you and your unconscious mind to recognize repeated behaviors that have been sabotaging your dreams. Your unconscious mind is driven by your fears, many unknown to you. It feels its ‘job’ is to keep you alive, no matter how dark your experience may be as long as you are alive, it feels it has ‘saved’ you. WTfudge!

Through a combination of ancient Alchemy wisdom, modern techniques, intuitive guidance, and Quantum meditation you will learn to navigate the complexities of your unconscious mind with newfound clarity and confidence. Each session is crafted to help you uncover the layers of your being, dissolve limiting beliefs, and harness the power of quantum energy to manifest your highest potential.

The choices that you make is what determines the outcomes in your life, and Journey to your soul is going to serve you in having real choice, focusing on true end results that lead to you creating what is most meaningful and satisfying to you in life.

Whether you're seeking personal growth, spiritual awakening, or a deeper connection to your inner self, "Journey to Your Soul" offers the tools and support you need to make empowered decisions that resonate with your authentic path. Exploring the truth behind where you place the attention in your consciousness is truly what is manifesting in your life.

Join us and discover the alchemy of transformation that awaits within you starting Tuesday October 1, 2024 for 2 hours every 2 weeks completing December 10th with one additional bonus session to TBD.

Course Benefits

In this course, you will have an opportunity to embrace:

  • Enhanced Self-Awareness: Gain a deeper understanding of the unconscious mind and how it influences your daily life and choices.

  • Redefinition of Purpose: Learn how to redefine the aspects of consciousness that no longer serve you, leading to a more aligned and purposeful life.

  • Improved Intuition: Clear the clouds of limiting belief systems to access and trust your inner wisdom and knowledge.

  • Release of Destructive Beliefs: Identify and release the top 12 common destructive belief structures, leading to emotional and mental freedom.

  • Increased Focus: Discover where your true attention lies and learn to focus consciously on manifesting your desired outcomes.

  • Ego Awareness and Management: Understand the role of the Ego in maintaining outdated belief systems and learn to manage its influence for personal growth.

  • Empowered Decision-Making: Gain clarity on the choices you make, both conscious and unconscious, and learn how to make decisions that align with your heart's true desires.

  • Deepened Meditation Practice: Experience transformative Quantum meditations that help you connect with your true essence and cosmic connections, leading to a deeper sense of peace and spiritual awareness.

  • Lasting Transformation: Repeated exposure to the teachings through recorded sessions will help solidify new, positive belief structures, leading to lasting change in your life.

  • Safe Space for Growth: Create a safe and supportive environment for your unconscious mind to explore and adopt new, healthier belief structures.

  • Discover and connect with your soul’s true purpose.

  • Learn quantum alchemy techniques to make empowered, soul-aligned choices.

  • Elevate your vibration and clarity through the integration of cosmic energies and ancient practices.

  • Develop a deep understanding of the energetic matrix of the quantum field.

  • Gain tools to maintain alignment and clarity in your daily life.

Meet the Facilitators

Julie Valentin, the visionary behind Quantum Alchemy Fusion, has spent decades exploring the mysteries of the universe, studying both ancient alchemical practices and modern scientific advancements. With a passion for empowering others, Julie has created a unique blend of ancient wisdom teachings and alchemic principles blended with techniques to access your superconscious, that has transformed countless lives. Her journey, insights, and dedication to helping others reach their highest potential are at the heart of Quantum Alchemy Fusion. Julie is trained as a Star Magic Facilitator

Tim Fraser, With 45 years of experience in IT, he has always had intuitive 'knowings' that catalyzed transformative change in both people and companies. His lifelong interest in the energy body and ancient wisdom led him to discover his galactic nature. This connection awakened his ability to access the quantum field and perform personal healings. He trained in Reiki. However prefers to work in the quantum field.

As a passionate explorer of the quantum nature of humans, consciousness, and the universe, his journey began in 1976 at age 16, with a UFO encounter over Tehran and continues today near Sedona, AZ. There, he and his wife are creating a space for spiritual growth and transformation. He has personal experience applying Star Magic techniques to accelerate recovery from medical challenges.

Course Structure

Are you ready to unlock your fullest potential? Explore our programs, connect with our community, and begin your journey toward profound transformation today.

Week 1:

-The conversation starts with informing the unconscious mind to new awareness, assisting it to redefine its purpose and defining the ASPECTS OF CONSCIOUSNESS. How and when they are created, and why they no longer serve.

Week 2:

-Intuition - we play together with how belief systems cloud our intuition, being clear and going deeper to move beyond the influences and bringing forth our inner wisdom and knowledge.

Week 3:
-Top destructive belief structures we all carry. These will make you wince as we walk through the top 12 common destructive belief structures held within the Unconscious mind we all share.

Week 4:
-Focus, what you think you are focused on is often not what you are really focused on.
Explore the truth behind where you place the attention in your consciousness is truly what is manifesting in your life.

Week 5:
-Tension, the role of the Ego in supporting your belief structure held in the unconscious mind and returning you to the old ‘safe’ space.

Week 6
- Choices, every move we make is a choice whether it is conscious or unconscious. Peeling back the layers to the core of what your heart desires. The top 4 choices to start your conscious choice journey.

Every session will be supported with Quantum meditations that get under the unconscious covers to discover your true essence and cosmic connections. WooHoo! Each session is recorded for you to listen to in the off weeks to bring the teachings to deeper levels. When working in the unconscious world, repeating the message is critical to bringing the old belief structure into conscious awareness as well as creating a safe place for your unconscious to choose new structures to operate with!

Join The Journey

Ready to begin your transformation? Enroll in ‘Journey To Your Soul’ today and start aligning with your soul’s true purpose.

  • Details:

    • Course Duration: @3 Months

    • Start Date: Nov 1, Every 2nd Tuesday through Jan 10th 2025, plus one bonus Day TBD

    • Format: Online/Virtual with live sessions and downloadable resources.

    • Price: $333


Start Your Journey Today

Don’t miss out on this transformative experience. Begin your journey to soul alignment and clarity now.